What to Look for in Buying a Home: Savvy House Hunting Tips

Buying a house is a big step, and it can feel like a huge adventure. Picture yourself setting off on a new journey, ready to discover what’s out there. Whether it’s your first home or you’re just moving to a new place, there’s a lot to think about. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a guide to help you through the process, from figuring out your budget to making sure the house is in good shape. Let’s dive in!
What to Look for in Buying a Home: Savvy House Hunting Tips

Buying a house is a big step, and it can feel like a huge adventure. Picture yourself setting off on a new journey, ready to discover what’s out there. Whether it’s your first home or you’re just moving to a new place, there’s a lot to think about. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a guide to help you through the process, from figuring out your budget to making sure the house is in good shape. Let’s dive in!

Preparation is Key

Before embarking on house shopping, it’s important to prepare yourself for the road ahead. Buying a home is often one of the biggest financial decisions of your life and shouldn’t be rushed into, especially without a plan.

Additionally, considering property taxes as part of the financial planning process is crucial.

Determine Your Budget & Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

The first step in buying a home is knowing how much you can spend. Sit down and look at your finances to determine how much house you can afford. Factor in homeowners insurance when determining your budget. How much do you earn? How much do you spend? This will help you figure out how much you can afford for a house. Once you know your budget, it’s a good idea to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Engaging with a mortgage lender for preapproval allows you to understand your budget and avoid overspending. This means a lender looks at your finances and tells you how much they’re willing to lend you. It makes you look serious to sellers and helps you stay within your budget.

Research the Home Buying Process and Understand the Different Types of Loans Available

Buying a home can be confusing, especially with all the different types of loans. Take some time to learn about the home buying process and the different loans. For example, there are fixed-rate mortgages where the interest rate stays the same, and adjustable-rate mortgages where the rate can change. Knowing your options can help you pick the best loan for you.

Work with a Real Estate Agent to Guide You Through the Process

A real estate agent is like a guide on your home buying adventure. They know the area, understand the market, and can help you find the right home. They also help with the paperwork and negotiations. Having an expert by your side can make the process much easier and less stressful.

Identify Your Needs and Wants in a Home, Including Location & Amenities

Before you start looking at houses, think about what you need and want in a home. How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? Do you want a big yard or a small one? What about the location? Do you want to be close to work, schools, or shopping centers? Consider the importance of proximity to public transportation when identifying your needs and wants. Make a list of your must-haves and nice-to-haves to help guide your search. Remember, even a dream home may require some adjustments or renovations.

House Hunting Essentials

A home is more than just four walls and a roof. There is a lot that any home buyer should consider when making a home purchase. The following are some of the more common factors that buyers should consider, and some that often get overlooked. It's also crucial to evaluate the energy efficiency of a home during the house hunting process.

Consider the Location and Proximity to Work, Schools, and Amenities

Location is one of the most important things to think about when buying a home. Do you want to be close to your job to shorten your commute? It's also crucial to consider the proximity to grocery stores when evaluating a location. Are good schools important for your kids? Do you want to be near parks, shops, and restaurants? Think about your lifestyle and what locations make the most sense for you.

Think About the Type of House You Want, Including Size, Style & Age

Houses come in all shapes and sizes. Do you want a single-family home, a townhouse, or a condo? How much space do you need? Do you prefer a modern home or something with a bit of history? Think about what fits your taste and needs.

Research the Local Real Estate Market & Current Home Prices

Knowing what homes cost in the area you’re looking to buy is important. Do some research on the local market. Are prices going up or down? What’s the average price for the type of home you want? This information can help you set your budget and understand what to expect.

Look for Houses That Meet Your Needs and Budget

Once you know what to look for when buying and what you can afford, start looking at houses. Researching the local community is important to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Use online listings, drive around neighborhoods, and go to open houses. Keep your list of needs and wants handy to help you stay focused.

The Right Size for You

While your needs today are certainly important, most home buyers plan to live in a home for 7-10 years or more, so you should consider what you may need in your home over the course of the next decade as long as it's within your budget today. Here's some tips to help determine the right size home for you.

Determine How Many Bedrooms and Bathrooms You Need

Think about how many bedrooms and bathrooms you need. If you have kids, you might need more rooms. If you often have guests, a guest room could be important. Make sure the home has enough space for everyone to be comfortable.

Consider the Square Footage and Whether It Can Grow with You

Look at the size of the home in terms of square footage. Is it big enough for your current needs? Will it still work for you in a few years if your family grows? Make sure the space is right for both now and the future.

Think About the Floor Plan and Living Space

The layout of a home is just as important as its size. Do you like an open floor plan where the kitchen, dining, and living areas flow together? Or do you prefer separate rooms for different activities? Consider how the floor plan fits your lifestyle.

Evaluate the Pros and Cons of Different House Sizes

Smaller homes are easier to clean and often cost less, but they might feel cramped. Larger homes have more space but can be more expensive to heat, cool, and maintain. Think about what size home fits your needs and lifestyle best. Home buyers should also consider budgeting, location preferences, and neighborhood amenities when evaluating different house sizes.

Home Condition & Features

Many prospective home buyers are motivated to buy so a home so they can make it their own. After renting a space that isn’t yours, it’s a common aspiration to desire something you can put your personal touch on. While that’s an exciting prospect, so comes the responsibility to maintain your home and make repairs when necessary. These tips will help you to avoid buying a lemon that you’re constantly needing to repair. It is also crucial to evaluate the HVAC system as part of assessing the home's condition.

Check the Home’s Condition, Including the Roof, Foundation, and Plumbing

When you find a home you like, there are several things to look at to assess its condition. Is the roof in good shape? Are there any cracks in the foundation? How’s the plumbing? It's also crucial to check the electrical system to ensure everything is up to code. These are important things to check because repairs can be expensive.

Look for Signs of Water Damage, Mold, or Pest Infestations

Water damage, mold, and pests can cause big problems. Look for stains on walls and ceilings, a musty smell, or signs of insects. These issues can be costly to fix and could mean the home has other hidden problems.

Consider Hiring a Professional Home Inspector to Catch Issues You Might Overlook

A professional home inspector can find problems you might miss. They’ll check the structure, systems, and overall condition of the home. This can give you peace of mind and help you avoid expensive surprises later.

Evaluate the Condition of the Home’s Exterior and Interior Features

Look at the outside of the home as well as the inside. Evaluating the plumbing system is crucial when assessing the home's condition. Are the walls, windows, and doors in good shape? What about the yard and landscaping? Inside, check the condition of the floors, walls, and appliances. Make sure everything is in good working order.

Heating & Cooling Systems

When you’re looking for a new home, one thing you don’t want to overlook is how the house stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Heating and cooling systems are important because they keep you comfortable all year round. Energy-efficient heating and cooling systems can also significantly reduce your utility bills and environmental impact. Here are some key things to consider.

Check the Type of Heating and Cooling Systems, Including Central Air and Window Units

Different homes have different heating and cooling systems. Some have central air conditioning, while others use window units. Make sure you understand what the home has and if it meets your needs.

Consider the Age and Condition of the Systems

Heating and cooling systems don’t last forever. Find out how old they are and if they’ve been well-maintained. Older systems might need to be replaced soon, which can be a big expense.

Evaluate the Energy Efficiency of the Systems

Energy-efficient systems can save you money on your utility bills. Look for systems with high efficiency ratings. This can be a big plus for both your wallet and the environment.

Think About the Cost of Replacing or Repairing the Systems

If the heating or cooling system is old, consider the cost of replacing it. Even if it’s in good shape now, you might need to budget for repairs in the future. Make sure you’re prepared for these potential costs.

Additional Features and Amenities

When thinking about your new home, extra features and amenities can really add to your quality of life. These are the things that can make a house feel more like home and can make everyday living more enjoyable. Let’s explore some of these features. It's also important to consider the availability of community centers when evaluating additional features and amenities.

Consider the Type of Amenities You Want, Such as a Pool or Playground

Think about what extra features you want in a home. Do you want a pool for hot summer days? How about a playground for the kids? Make a list of the amenities that are important to you.

Evaluate the Pros and Cons of Different Amenities

While amenities can be great, they also come with costs and maintenance. A pool, for example, needs regular cleaning and can increase your utility bills. Make sure the benefits outweigh the costs for the amenities you want.

Research the Local Community to Ensure It Offers the Amenities You Desire

The community around your home is important too. Does it have parks, sports facilities, or community centers? Make sure the neighborhood has the amenities that are important to you and your family.

Think About the Impact of Amenities on Your Lifestyle

Amenities can make life more enjoyable, but they can also affect your daily routine. Make sure they fit into your lifestyle and budget. A big yard might be great for your kids, but it also means more mowing!

Property Costs and Fees

Buying a home isn’t just about the price tag you see on the listing. There are other costs and fees you need to consider to understand the true cost of owning a home. Understanding local tax laws is also crucial when evaluating these property costs and fees. Let’s break down some of these expenses.

Evaluate the Property Taxes and How They Impact the Home’s Affordability

Property taxes can vary a lot from place to place. Make sure you know what the taxes will be on any home you’re considering. They can add a lot to your monthly costs.

Research the Local Tax Laws and Regulations

Different areas have different tax laws and regulations. Make sure you understand them so there are no surprises. This can affect your budget and overall affordability of the home.

Consider the Cost of Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is another important cost. It protects you in case of damage or loss, but it can vary widely in price. Get quotes for insurance on any home you’re considering.

Think About the Long-Term Costs of Homeownership

Owning a home is more than just the mortgage payment. Think about maintenance, repairs, and other long-term costs. Make sure you’re prepared for these expenses and that they fit into your budget.

Neighborhood and Community

The neighborhood you choose can have a big impact on your daily life and overall happiness. It’s important to research and make sure the community fits your needs and lifestyle. When evaluating a potential home, consider the quality of life in the neighborhood. Here’s what to look for.

Research the Neighborhood & School Districts to Ensure They Meet Your Needs and Preferences

The neighborhood can have a big impact on your happiness. Are the schools good? Is it safe? Do you like the vibe of the area? Spend some time researching to make sure it’s a good fit.

Evaluate the Safety and Quality of Life in the Area

Safety is a top priority. Look up crime rates and talk to locals. Also, think about the quality of life. Are there parks, community events, and other things that make life enjoyable?

Consider the Proximity to Public Transportation, Schools, Grocery Stores, and Other Amenities

Think about how close you are to the things you need. Is there public transportation nearby? How far is the nearest grocery store? Make sure the location works for your daily life.

Talk to Locals About What It’s Like Living in the Area

Talking to people who live in the neighborhood can give you a real sense of what it’s like. Ask about their experiences and any tips they have. This can give you valuable insight.

Homeowners Associations

When you're looking at homes, you might come across some that are part of a Homeowners Association (HOA). An HOA is a group that makes and enforces rules for the properties in its community. Living in an HOA community can have both benefits and challenges. Let's explore what you need to know about HOAs.

Understand the HOA Rules and Regulations

Every HOA has its own set of rules and regulations that homeowners must follow. These can include things like how you can decorate your home, what types of pets are allowed, and rules about noise levels. Make sure to get a copy of the HOA's rules and read them carefully. You want to make sure you're comfortable with the restrictions before you buy a home in an HOA community.

Consider the HOA Fees

Living in an HOA community usually means you'll have to pay monthly or annual fees. These fees go towards maintaining common areas, like parks, pools, and landscaping, as well as any community events or services the HOA provides. Make sure to factor these fees into your budget when considering a home. They can vary widely from one community to another.

Evaluate the Benefits of an HOA

One of the benefits of an HOA is that they often take care of things like lawn maintenance, trash removal, and upkeep of common areas. This can make your life easier and keep the neighborhood looking nice. Check what services the HOA provides and decide if they're worth the fees you’ll be paying.

Assess the HOA's Financial Health

Before buying a home in an HOA community, it's important to check the HOA's financial health. Ask for a copy of their financial statements. You want to make sure they have enough money saved for future repairs and maintenance. If an HOA has poor financial health, you could end up paying higher fees or special assessments down the road.

Evaluate the Community Amenities

HOA communities often come with amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, and playgrounds. These can be great for families and add to your quality of life. Make sure to visit the amenities and see if they’re something you’ll use and enjoy.

Inspections and Due Diligence

Before you finalize the purchase of your new home, it’s crucial to make sure everything is in good shape. Doing thorough inspections and due diligence can help you avoid costly surprises down the road. Identifying potential costly repairs during the inspection process is essential to ensure you are making a sound investment.

Get a Home Inspection to Identify Potential Issues and Costly Repairs

A home inspection is a must. It can uncover problems that aren’t visible at first glance. This can save you from buying a home with hidden issues.

Consider Hiring a Professional Home Inspector

A professional home inspector knows what to look for. They can spot issues that you might miss. This is a small investment that can save you a lot of money and headaches.

Evaluate the Home’s Major Systems, Including HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing

Make sure the home’s major systems are in good shape. This includes the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical, and plumbing systems. Problems here can be expensive to fix.

Research the Home’s History, Including Any Past Repairs or Renovations

Knowing the home’s history can give you a sense of any past problems or upgrades. Ask for records of past repairs and renovations. This can help you understand the home’s condition better.

Making an Informed Decision

After you’ve done all your research and looked at several homes, it’s time to make a decision. This is where you weigh all the factors and choose the home that best fits your needs and budget.

Prioritize Your Needs and Wants in a Home

Once you’ve looked at a few homes, it’s time to prioritize. What are your must-haves? What are your nice-to-haves? Make a list and use it to compare homes.

Evaluate the Pros and Cons of Different Homes

Every home will have its pros and cons. Take the time to weigh them carefully. Think about how each home fits your needs and lifestyle.

Consider the Monthly Mortgage Payment and Whether It Fits Comfortably Into Your Budget

Make sure the monthly mortgage payment is affordable. You don’t want to be stressed about money every month. Make sure it fits comfortably into your budget.

Think About the Long-Term Costs of Homeownership and Whether the Home is a Good Investment for You

Finally, think about the long-term costs. Is this home a good investment? Will it hold its value or appreciate over time? Make sure it’s a wise financial decision.


Buying a home is a big adventure, but with a little preparation and the right guidance, you can find the perfect place for you and your family. Remember to take your time, do your research, and prioritize what’s important to you. By following these savvy house hunting tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding a home that you’ll love for years to come. Happy house hunting!